
Energy Market Forecasting

Make better-informed decisions by leveraging our comprehensive fundamental data and short-, medium-, and long-term analysis.

We combine advanced data, domain expertise, and actionable analysis into one service.

  • We use fundamental models and methods of economic theory, market models, weather impacts and marginal cost calculations.
  • We use in-house developed models to analyze the impact of various factors, such as weather, hydrology, and power generation sources.
  • Our data and analysis are completely independent.
  • We deliver real-time updates of power balance impact from weather models EC, GFS with daily weather reports sent every morning.


Nordic power market

We deliver a full range of fundamental analysis and forecasts for the Nordic power market in the short, medium and long term.

Our Conti models

Consistent with the Core Market Coupling framework, our Conti model concurrently addresses the supply and demand dynamics, along with the pricing mechanisms across 12 nations, including the UK, Italy, and Switzerland.

25+ years of experience

With 25 years of experience, our senior analysts provide expert power market analysis, deeply understanding its components, dynamics, regulations, and key influences.

Nordic power market

We deliver a full range of fundamental analysis and forecasts for the Nordic power market in the short, medium and long term.

Our Conti models

Consistent with the Core Market Coupling framework, our Conti model concurrently addresses the supply and demand dynamics, along with the pricing mechanisms across 12 nations, including the UK, Italy, and Switzerland.

25+ years of experience

With 25 years of experience, our senior analysts provide expert power market analysis, deeply understanding its components, dynamics, regulations, and key influences.

What our clients say

"Myself, as an employee in Bane NOR, have had a two-decade history and that’s due to the need to have a necessary tool to make good decisions on a daily basis."

Jonny Glærum Procurement and Risk Management
Bane NOR

power lines

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